Back to the Garden Kit

Back to the Garden Kit

Spring in Ohio is a glorious thing. After months of dreary grey skies, we start getting radiant blue ones, fluffy clouds, and the daffodils, crocuses, and budding trees make us positively giddy with the promise of renewed life.

Most people I know really look forward to the returning sun and warmth and cannot wait to get in their garden. Even though gardening has its own woes- pushing back encroaching Poison Ivy, rousing sleeping bugs and their bites, and those dry gardener's hands!
Haven Herbs wants you to enjoy every minute of your gardening adventure and we have created a set to get you started in style. So we created a kit with products to help with these issues:

1. Poison Ivy and skin rashes are no fun. So we included A Jewel of a Salve (which can be used preventatively, where the gloves meet the sleeves or other possibly exposed areas or used as a treatment for Poison Ivy) and Rash Bath (for larger area treatment for any kind of rash- because it includes Jewelweed, it's great for larger cases of Poison Ivy as well as hives, chicken pox, and other skin eruptions.

2. Bugs and bug bites spoil the party. So we included our new-and-improved Bug Off! spray to keep them at bay. We kept the amazing effectiveness of the original formula and made the application even easier this year. This formula is safe for dogs and infants as always!

3. Hands in the dirt is pleasing and rough on the skin.
So we made some limited edition lotion bars for this kit. These are best kept near the skin for use after hand washing.

That's four products in one kit (in a cute hemp bag)! What's more, we have discounted pre-orders. This kit is being delivered May 1 (before last frost date) and if you pre-order now, you get 10% off. Check out the product listing here.
This kit will be available through August, but at its regular price starting May 1.

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