Back to the Garden Kit April 10, 2019Spring in Ohio is a glorious thing. After months of dreary grey skies, we start getting radiant blue ones, fluffy clouds, and the daffodils, crocuses, and budding trees make us...
Product Profile: Moontime Tisane March 27, 2019This herbal tea (known as a tisane) has a combination of medicinal herbs that help alleviate cramps, mood swings, irritibility, bloating, and excessive heavy bleeding due to monthly cycles. It...
What Does a Cup of Coffee Entail? March 20, 2019This thoughtful piece is from "Ecological Wakes: the Story of Six Everyday Objects" by Alan Thein Durning (which was published by Northwest Environment Watch in 1994).I like it because it...
Herb Profile: Vitex (Chaste Berry) March 13, 2019Vitex (Agnus Castus, Chaste Tree, Chasteberry, Monk’s Pepper, Vitex agnus castus), is an hormonal regulator- meaning no matter of your body is producing too much or too little Vitex can...
Haven Herbs present talks at Cancer Support Community March 6, 2019Lily of Haven Herbs and Lindsey from Concur Skincare host FREE Lunchtime Learning at Cancer Support Community several times a year. Bring your lunch over and eat and learn something...
What are Tonics? How do I use them? February 27, 2019As an herbalist, I am constantly telling folks that using herbs as tonics (regularly, while well) will help keep them well, instead of only using them as remedies (when they...